Exhibitor Interview: VTT

VTT is a leader in developing innovative recycling solutions for the plastics industry.

Ahead of the upcoming Plastics Recycling World Expo, we spoke with them about their latest advancements and how they are shaping the future of plastics recycling.

Can you provide a brief overview of your company and the products/services you'll be showcasing at the event?

VTT is at the forefront of innovation in the plastics recycling industry. Leveraging its extensive expertise in material science and process engineering, VTT is pioneering advanced recycling technologies that aim to enhance the efficiency and sustainability of plastic waste management. Come to talk to us at booth number R470 in the Recycling pavilion about: 

  • Circular Economy Design
    Designing plastic products and packaging to align with circular economy principles, enhancing recyclability and sustainability

  • Innovative Recycling Technologies
    State-of-the-art mechanical and thermochemical recycling solutions, such as VAREX, for high-quality plastic waste processing

  • Sustainable Material Development
    The transition to bio-based plastics and high-value recyclable products, ensuring compliance with evolving regulations and promoting environmental benefits

What recent trends or developments in the industry are you most excited about, and how do your products/services align with them?

VTT's plastics innovation and research align closely with the plastics industry's recent trends and challenges by addressing key areas such as sustainability, circular economy, and advanced recycling technologies:

  • Sustainability and circular economy
    VTT is pioneering technologies that enable the recycling and reuse of plastics, thereby reducing waste and promoting a circular economy.

  • Advanced recycling technologies
    VTT is at the forefront of developing chemical recycling methods that break down plastics into their monomers, which can then be reused to produce new plastics. VTT has also developed a state-of-the-art mechanical recycling line, VAREX, for smart upgrading of plastic waste streams.
  • Innovation in Bioplastics
    VTT is actively researching and developing bioplastics from renewable resources. VTT's work includes improving the properties and cost-effectiveness of bioplastics.

  • Enhanced Recycling Efficiency
    VTT’s innovations include developing new sorting technologies and enhancing the efficiency of existing recycling processes.

  • Collaboration and Knowledge Sharing
    VTT collaborates with industry partners, academic institutions, and governmental bodies to share knowledge and accelerate the development and implementation of new recycling technologies.

  • Regulatory Compliance and Standards
    VTT’s research supports the development of technologies and processes that help companies meet regulatory requirements.

Could you share a success story or case study demonstrating how your products/services have benefited a customer?

Here are some of our public references: 

Will you be conducting any demonstrations or interactive activities at the event? If so, what can attendees expect?

We are showcasing new and innovative material samples.

In addition, VTT's Senior Scientist Joonas Mikkonen will give a presentation at the conference with the title "Advanced mechanical recycling using adaptive in-line rheology control" on 12th September 10:10 - 10:30 AM.

What are your company's goals for the future, and how do you see yourselves contributing to the evolving industry landscape?

At VTT, we aim to create science-based systemic and technological breakthroughs that bring transformation and renewal to industries and societies. By focusing on the above-mentioned critical areas in the industry, VTT is not only addressing current challenges in the plastics industry but also setting the stage for future advancements that will lead to a more sustainable and efficient plastic economy.

What are you most looking forward to at this year’s show?

We are looking forward to engaging with our customers to gain deeper understanding on their challenges.  

VTT will be exhibiting at the Plastics Recycling World Expo. Find them at stand R470.