Speaker interview: David Bender, Circular Polymers

David BenderOur next speaker interview is David Bender, CEO of Circular Polymers.

David is the Chief Executive Officer of Circular Polymers, and is focused on expanding the post-consumer PA 66, PA 6, PP and PET into new end user markets and use as a chemical recycling feedstock.


How do you see the industry developing and growing in the next three-to-five years?

I see exponential growth in the use of post-consumer recycled feedstocks and continued growth of US States legislating Extended Producer Responsibility.


What do you consider to be the biggest challenges facing the industry at the moment?

The biggest challenge that I see is that recycling infrastructure does not support demand for post-consumer resin.


In your view, what has been the most exciting development in the industry in the last couple of years? And why? 

The most exciting development for me is the commitment by brand owners to the circular economy.

David will be talking on the panel for 'Exploring extended producer responsibility (EPR) and other key regulations having an impact on recycling in North America' at the Plastic Recycling World Expo Conference 2022.